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Download Produce 48 Subtitle Indonesia
Sinopsis Produce 48
Produce 48 (Hangul: 프로듀스 48) is an ongoing survival reality television show on Mnet. It is a large-scale project in which the public “produces” a girl group by voting for members out of a pool of 96 trainees from Japan and South Korea, as well as voting for the group’s concept, debut single, and group name. It is a collaboration between the Mnet series Produce 101 and the J-pop idol group AKB48. The winning 12 contestants, with no nationality caps, as voted only by Korean viewers, will promote as a group for two and a half years.
Detail Produce 48
Ttitle : Produce 48
Episode : 12
Rilis 15 Juni
Runtime : 150 mnt
Download Produce 48 Full Subtitle Indonesia
Episode 1
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | ZippyShare | Mirror
480 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
540 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
Episode 2
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | ZippyShare | Mirror
480 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
540 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Clicnupload | Mirror
Episode 3
360p : MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
540p : MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive
Episode 4
360p : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | Userscloud | ZippyShare | Mirror
540p : MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive
Episode 5
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | ZippyShare | Mirror
480 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
540 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
Episode 6
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | ZippyShare | Mirror
480 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
540 : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | ZippyShare | Mirror
Episode 7
360 [hardsubindo] : Openload | MegaUp | Datafilehost | ZippyShare | Mirror
480 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
540 : Openload | MegaUp | Uptobox | UsersCloud | Mirror
Episode 8
360 [hardsubindo] : MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
480 : Openload | MegaUp | Userscloud | Uptobox | SenditCloud | Mirror
540 : Openload | MegaUp | Uptobox | Senditcloud | Mirror
Episode 9
360p : MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | Zippyshare | MEGA | SolidFiles | UPFILE | Google Drive
540p : MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive | Zippyshare | SolidFiles
Episode 10
360p : Openload | IntoUpload | Datafilehost | MegaUp | ZippySharae | Mirror
540p : MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive
Episode 11
360p : Openload | Gdrive | IntoUpload | Datafilehost | MegaUp | ZippySharae | Mirror
540p : MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive
Episode 12 END
360p: MirrorAce | Openload | UppIT | MP4upload | Tusfiles | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive
540p : MirrorAce | Tusfiles | Uptobox | Openload | UppIT | Userscloud | MEGA | UPFILE | Google Drive
Download Subtitle : Indonesia | English
Semoga cept dibuat hardsubnya
Minnn subnyaa:((
Semoga hardsub cepet
Sedang menunggu subtitle nya 😅
Hardub nya ditunggu ya ^o^
min yang ep 2 kapan keluar?
Mantab:v dtnggu ep slanjut nya min 😀
kok download eror terus ya
penasaran siapa yang jadi center ^^
min yang ep 3 udah ada sub indo ya, tolong hardsubnya min, makasih 😁
Ada yang tahu judul lagu yg di putar pas Wang yiren am lee kaeun battle dance ngga kl tw ksh tw gw dong
Min hardsubnya kapan update, udah penasaran banget min 😄
min, segera update ep 12 produce 48 nya yaa, terimakasih..
Min req Visiting teacher dong
Min ep 12 ekor:(