Download Drama China Assistant of Superstar Subtitle Indonesia
Download Drama China Assistant of Superstar Sub indo Wang Yu Xi (Kele Sun) mungkin seorang superstar yang sangat tampan dan sangat populer, tetapi di balik eksterior yang bersinar itu ada rahasia yang terkubur. Sementara dunia percaya Yu Xi praktis sempurna dalam segala hal, kenyataannya adalah dia tidak pernah benar-benar menerima pendidikan yang berkualitas. Karena itu, ia menghabiskan hari-harinya dengan hidup tidak nyaman di dekat perbatasan buta huruf. Sementara Yu Xi biasanya bisa menyembunyikan kekurangannya, ada kalanya dia gagal total; yang terbaru adalah wawancaranya yang gagal untuk peran penting dalam proyek yang akan datang. Dengan kebutuhannya akan seorang tutor yang sekarang sangat jelas, perusahaannya tidak punya pilihan selain menemukannya, tetapi pencariannya terbukti lebih sulit daripada yang dibayangkan siapa pun. Bekerja sebagai tutor di agensi lokal, Wei Chi Yao (Lu Yang Yang) selalu bermimpi menjadi seorang guru tetapi tantangan untuk mengubah mimpi itu menjadi kenyataan sulit untuk diatasi. Ketika diminta untuk mengambil peran sebagai guru superstar, Chi Yao sepertinya tidak dapat menemukan cara untuk menolak. Tetapi memiliki fobia keramaian yang parah membuat bekerja dengan Yu Xi menjadi sangat sulit. Terlepas dari perbedaan dan kesulitan mereka, Chi Yao dan Yu Xi menemukan diri mereka perlahan mulai memahami satu sama lain. Tetapi apakah rasa hormat yang baru ditemukan ini cukup untuk membuat mereka berdua keluar dari kesulitan mereka saat ini?
Drama: Assistant of Superstar
Country: China
Episodes: 24
Airs: Feb 14, 2022 – ?
Airs On: Monday, Tuesday
Original Network: Youku
Duration: 45 min.
Kele Sun
Download Drama China Assistant of Superstar Subtitle Indonesia
info video: 480p|720p|hardsubindo|link source nodrakor.icu
Episode 1
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
Episode 2
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive|| Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
Episode 3
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload| UserDrive| Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
Episode 4
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlare
Episode 5
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare |SafeFile | GDRIVE | Hxfile| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlare
Episode 6
360p:| Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive|| Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare |SafeFile | GDRIVE | Hxfile| Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
Episode 7
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlare
720p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 8
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile| GDRIVE | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlare
720p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive || Upstream
Episode 9
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlade
Episode 10
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 11
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 12
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 13
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 14
360p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 15
360p :Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p: Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 16
360p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
Episode 17
360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 18
360p Streaming | Racaty | Solidfiles | Zippyshare | Hxfile | Uptobox | Google Drive | Upstream
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 19
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare |SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive| Streamlade
Episode 20
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 21
480p : Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 22
480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 23
480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive || Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive | Streamlade
Episode 24 END
480p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive || Streamlare
720p: Zippyshare | SafeFile | GDrive | Hxfile | Upstream | Hexupload | UserDrive || Streamlade
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